Lip Blush

Available in Narborough, Leicester


Lip blush is a semi-permanent makeup technique that gives your lips a flush of colour that lasts for months. The procedure involves lightly injecting pigment into the lip tissue, similar to how traditional tattoos are done. This results in a natural-looking stain that can last for several months before it gradually fades away.

Lip colour that lasts, creating beautiful smile for months!

About Lip Blush Treatments

Lip blush is a semi-permanent makeup technique that gives your lips a flush of colour that lasts for months. The procedure involves lightly injecting pigment into the lip tissue, similar to how traditional tattoos are done. This results in a natural-looking stain that can last for several months before it gradually fades away.


What is Lip Blush?

Lip Blush is a semi-permanent makeup treatment that gives your lips a natural flush of color. It can also be used to correct the shape of your lips, and to add definition and fullness.

How long does Lip Blush last?

Lip Blush typically lasts for 1-3 years, although it can vary from person to person. We recommend a colour boost top up every 12 months.

Is Lip Blush painful?

Most people find Lip Blush to be relatively painless. A topical numbing cream is used to minimize any discomfort.

How long does the treatment take?

The treatment itself takes around 2-3 hours, but you should allow for an additional 30 minutes for numbing and prep time.

What will my lips look like afterwards?

Your lips will look slightly swollen and red immediately after the treatment, but this will settle down within a few hours. The final result will be a natural looking flush of colour that will last for 1-3 years.

How much does it cost?

The treatment costs £250 .

All treatments can be found on the treatments page.


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After your lip blushing treatment, it’s important to keep the area clean. Gently wash with a mild soap and pat dry. Avoid using harsh cleansers, scrubs or makeup removers. You may experience some redness, swelling or tenderness immediately after your treatment, but this is normal and will subside within a few days.

If you experience excessive bleeding, swelling or pain, please contact us immediately. Some pigment may be lost immediately after the treatment as your skin heals. This is normal and the colour will settle within 2-3 weeks. Once healed, we recommend a colour boost touch up every 12 months.